"Hello Sansan325, My name is Patrice Whitfield. I am the niece of Raymond Williams, he recently has taken a DNA test through ancestry and you come up as a fifth cousin of his. We are very excited to find our family through this process in retracing our family tree. I am hoping, if you are willing that we could share in this process to find out where we match up. Thanking you very kindly in advance.
Patrice Whitfield"
Of course I responded right away: "Hello Patrice, Thanks so much for contacting me. I would love to see how we are related. Would you be willing to share you family tree with me? Can you see my tree? I am more than willing to collaborate with you to find our common ancestor. Looking forward to hearing from you.
That led to her response: "Hi Sandra, Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope your holiday was wonderful. I appreciate you responding back and I would love to share our family trees to see where our families match. Right now, I am unable to see your profile because my uncle just has an account, but I am a member. But he is so excited over this. We will be able to link up soon. Would you be able to see my family tree. How would we do this? Looking forward hearing from you.
So I sent her back instructions on how we can share our trees (per Ancesty.com Get Help section) and now I'm anxiously waiting the chance to see her and Uncle Raymond's tree that is currently set as private.